Bethany Beach

Bethany Beach
Bethany Beach - Winter 2011

Monday, January 31, 2011


"To develop an idea you must listen to what is going on in your head."  Oh my, this is a confusing quote for me because there is ALWAYS something going on in my head.  What do I want to be when I grow up; do I call today to make that appt. with the school principal or do I cool off for a day or two; what can I do to make my fundraisers for the parade an even bigger success; what more can I do for my dear friends at Ballou; what can I do to stay motivated to a healthier lifestyle - and the list goes on.  A wonderful friend of mine always had ideas running through his head, amazing ideas, and he made me believe that ideas are dreams and dreams can become a reality or a nightmare.  Life is like that for people that have ideas.  They are there and they circle and circle in your head until you either give up or you take that leap to act upon them.  If you take the leap you will be a success even if you fail as long as you get back up - and as my mom told me one time when my world had completely blown up in my face "Pick yourself up by your bootstraps, move on and forgive because without forgiveness (to yourself or to others) you will carry that with you and it will make you a bitter person."  What???? - Pick myself up - I'm having a breakdown, I'm a mess, I can't do that and how dare you ask me to do that at this moment (you have to know my mom), but I did it and guess what - I moved forward and I forgave.  The best advice I ever got -Thanks Mom!  So I have ideas, lots and lots of ideas and some of them I will act on and others will get lost and go away.  I guess the question is for the ones that stay - where will they lead me?  My only hope is that in the end my ideas will have made me a better person and will have made someone elses life just a tiny bit better in some way.   My idea for this week is that I need to change my way of thinking about my physical self - through exercise and eating healthy & I'm ready to get that idea out of my head and act on it - I joined the gym this morning and started - Day one of a great idea!!!

Saturday, January 29, 2011


"If you don't dare to begin, you don't stand a chance of getting there."  I thought this seemed to be an appropriate quote since I'm beginning my gym membership Monday morning.  It will be my beginning - again!  I have had this beginning a number of times and usually with some success but then for some reason the motivation wanes and my commitment becomes what's convenient and then I'm back to doing nothing.  What keeps some people continuosly driven?  I had a good 10 year run of being thin - or as thin as a person like me gets - and I was probably the most unhealthy I've ever been.  I literally starved myself and exercised too much.  I ate a pack of crackers a day or a half bagel and picked at things in very small portions.  I remember being in Europe (wearing size 5's) and not wanting to go to the beach because I felt fat.  What is that???!!!  Looking back I can't believe that during those "thin" years there was never one day that I didn't wake up and think - just 10 more pounds and I would be happy.  Now I look at myself and wonder what happened - when did the obsessiveness turn into - I don't care anymore?  So my attempt this time is to find a happy, healthy medium.  I MUST incorporate moving & making healthy eating choices into a daily part of my life not for 4 weeks or a few months but for a lifetime.  Can I do it??  I believe I can do anything I set my mind to so guess what Becky - it's TIME TO BEGIN!

Thursday, January 27, 2011


"When you stop giving, when you stop offering something to someone, it's time to turn out the light." George Burns Got rid of all my dark chocolate mint cake balls today & they seemed to be a hit. Next batch - strawberry cake w/cream cheese icing dipped in chocolate. Stay tuned. Trying to figure out how I can make money baking - a website, a stand at the Farmers Market, selling to restaurants, having my own wine & chocolate cafe???? Who knows what the future holds. Shoveled for almost an hour this a.m. & it felt good. Saw a good friend tonight that always makes me smile & then listened to a great piano player & singer w/a glass of wine & a salad & laughed some more w/another good friend. My life is good beyond words. I used to have the big house, the stuff, the money to do the things I wanted to do. I have had to scale back for a number of personal reasons & I've never been happier. OK I know i've said this before but will be starting my morning gym workouts on Monday! You can hold me to that along w/an intence 4 week commitment to starving, I mean eating lots of green leafy stuff & not much else. I'm going to get this almost 50 (I'm 48) body's metabolism jump started. Please remember that I mentioned in my first blog that I have know idea about how to do all this but that's why I asked you to join me - so you can send me down the right path to a healthier me. Time to say good night to the piano man and turn off the lights! Thanks for checking in.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


"Get rid of the negative people in your life - surround yourself with positive people who believe in you and inspire you" This is something I try to live by. I have girlfriends that have been through a lot but when we are together we don't dwell on the negative we enjoy the time we have together & laugh enough to hold us over until we can squeeze some time in together again. In our hectic lives we barely have time to do the things we have to do so adding something else to our lives (like exercising) especially something to do daily, can seem overwhelming. I have come to the conclusion that it has to be as much a part of my routine as brushing my teeth. So I continue to hop on my elliptical (as boring as it is become) until I go sign up at the gym. I get to shovel snow in the morning so that will be a good workout. Sledding is on the agenda for the weekend so I'm looking forward to that. In the meantime I will jump on the elliptical tonight and think happy thoughts about my good friends that inspire me & make me laugh - you're the best!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


"Even if you are on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there." Will Rogers.
Sometimes, no most of the time I am my own worst enemy.  I decide I can't do it.  I decide what others think about me when I really don't know.  I convince myself that I'm not smart enough.  I am my own worst enemy more often then not.  I have a weak moment and use that as an excuse to stop doing what I know I need to do instead of looking at it as a minor set back that I'm not going to let send me back in the wrong direction.
So, back on track - the right track.  I got on the elliptical last night and did 3 loads of laundry (does that count as a workout?).  I did make these amazing red velvet choc. covered cake balls and only ate one.  I will get the remaineder out of my house by tonight.  Baking is my therapy.  It keeps me sane - I'm not sure why but it does.  It's a shame running or working out isn't my therapy for sanity -that would have made my life much easier - with alot less time wishing I could get motivated to work out. 
So, I am what I am - good, bad or otherwise and I have made up my mind to make the best of that.  My goal is to someday have a wine & chocolate bar for people to come and hang out with me and enjoy a nice glass of wine and a (little) piece of some wonderful chocolate concoction.  In the meantime I want to enjoy this moment, this day and make the most of all the blessings in my life and then doing what I need to do to try to be around a long time to enjoy them all.
Thanks for listening!

Monday, January 24, 2011


"Failure is only a fact when you give up. Everyone gets knocked down, the question is: Will you get back up?"
Looks like I slipped off the healthy eating boat a bit this weekend... I did OK on Saturday but no exercise and then Sunday - 2 pancakes, a DQ choc. cone dipped in choc. and then a chicken sub for dinner.  The chicken sub wasn't too bad because it had shaved chicken (no skin), lettuce, & tomato and I had it dry and it was a regular size but still a sub.  Had I stopped there - not so bad but then I threw in 6 wings (5 of which I ate).  WHY, oh why!!!  It's simple - don't order it or better yet - don't open your mouth.  What is this power food has over me?!
Tonight we are signing up for a family membership to the sports center - My goal is to be in the pool or on the track in the evening and then meeting Kathy in the morning.  If I'm struggling with the food part of all of this at least I need to get my body moving on a regular basis.  Anyone that would like to join us in the morning or join me in the evenings I would love to have company.  It's $36 a month or $46 a month for a couple. 
Knocked down but I will get back up!!! 

Saturday, January 22, 2011


"You must do the thing that you think you cannot do" Eleanor Roosevelt It's the weekend. I'm hungry! Can my body be on a weekend break to eat the junk food I have stayed away from this week? Probably not!!!!! Got a new iPad today-I'm in love!! Does finger tapping on a screen count as exercise? If so I'm definitely on my way to a svelte, new me. Gotta go (look stuff up on my new toy). Talk to you later.

Friday, January 21, 2011

A QUOTE A DAY - I love quotes

Quote #1
Dare to soar - how successful you are is determined by your attitude.
I decided that I'll start off each day with a motivational quote.  I love quotes - I have them taped all over my desk and I actually read them often.  If you have a favorite quote please share it on here. 
A 2 hour delay today for the kids so I slept in a bit then up to make lunches and eat my breakfast (which I never used to do but everything I read says you must eat breakfast).  Realized I might not have time for my elliptical workout and noticed I started slowing down with the things I needed to get done before taking the kids to school and getting ready for work thinking that I wouldn't have time to do my 45 minutes so maybe I'll skip it this morning - WHAT ARE YOU DOING - get your butt on that elliptical.  So I did.  I only had time for 30 minutes but I decided to push myself and really work up a sweat if I was only doing 30 minutes.  I did it!  30 minutes, not 45 but I did it. 

Thursday, January 20, 2011

A WORK IN PROGRESS... My blog and Me!

Today was a day to try to figure out the logistics of the computer and my blog and since computers are not my thing I had to ask some friends and they were good enough to help me out.  Thanks Tim and Marj! 
I'm going to get back on the elliptical tonight (I had pasta, chicken & broccoli for dinner).  I decided that if I'm home and I don't have anything to do - other then what I always have to do, laundry, picking up, dishes, etc., - then I will commit to getting on the elliptical for my 45 minutes at night too. 
It's kind of amazing that since I started this blog I think about everything I eat - before I eat it.  Prior to this I thought about everything I ate at the end of the day when I went to bed and hated myself for everything I had stuffed in my mouth all day.  I think I may be on the right track.  For all of you that have encouraged me and made suggestions and pushed me onward - thank you from the bottom of my soon to be healthy heart!!!


I need friends - preferably non-skinny friends - that want to commit to exercising or calling or exchanging recipes and most of all that like laughing together more then any of the above.  With our busy lives it seems next to impossible to coordinate a time to work out a schedule with someone and yet I'm not good doing anything alone much less something that needs me to make so many personal changes in me!  So what do I do?  Where can I dig up some friends?  Where do I go to find someone that wants or needs the things that I do???   Any suggestions?

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Where do I begin...

Good morning!  My first blog - ever!  Decided to rally the troops and attempt to create a support system by starting a blog about eating, exercising, gaining weight, losing weight, and the main thing - wanting to feel good about myself - my body - for once in my life.  I know nothing about the right way to do this but I do know that I'm tired and it's time.  So I leave this open for you to join me and together we will support one another and hopefully lead ourselves down the path to good health, good body image and a smaller jeans size (I'm a jeans and cowboy boots kind of girl).
Tell me what has worked for you.  Tell me what I need to do to make that lightbulb go off in my head and make me say no or walk away from the junk my body doesn't need (I love sugar!).  Tell me how to motivate myself to get up and exercise.
I'm ready - let's do this together!