Bethany Beach

Bethany Beach
Bethany Beach - Winter 2011

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Most of you know me well enough to know that I LOVE to travel.  My next adventure will be this summer when I head to Helsinki, Finland.  We had an exchange student my junior year of highschool and she has remained part of our family ever since.  My parents and my daughter have been there but for some reason I haven't.  It's time!  We also had an exchange student from Holland and I've been there so many times that it feels like going home when I get there.  I think having my trip to Finland in front of me will help to keep me motivated.  I would love to take a trip and actually be in some of the photos.  So I'll continue to get to the gym and on my elliptical and as soon as the weather starts to warm up I'll attempt to start jogging again knowing it's what is best for my health but really imagining me in the beautiful country of Finland  in a photo smiling, happy and not hiding behind anyone or anything. 

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Do you ever take a moment to think about how fast life is passing us by?  When I look at my kids it really hits me - my baby is 12 and my oldest 28 - when did that happen?  My goal has been to appreciate every day - crazy hectic and filled to the brim with busyness - but appreciated.  I'm a big fan of taking opportunities whenever presented to me - from traveling, joining a friend for lunch, going out for a girls night, snuggling with my girls when they crawl in bed, putting the grandkids on the counter while I stir up my cookie batter and giving them a spoon full when it's all mixed, and laughing whenever possible and yet there is so much more I wish I took the time to do but the clock keeps ticking and the day comes to an end.  So fitting in exercise has been a long time excuse I have used over and over again - "I don't have time!".  But since  I have committed to exercising for about 3 or 4 weeks now I'm amazed how making it a priority has made it part of my day - like showering, gettting to work and doing my everyday "stuff".   I have finally faced the fact that baking is not a form of exercise.  I'm sad about that but it was time to accept it and move onto the elliptical that has been sitting in the family room gathering dust and I'm amazed how 45 minutes really doesn't seem like the eternity it did a few weeks ago. 
So I keep moving so I will be able to keep up with the speed of my life that will otherwise pass me by.

Saturday, February 12, 2011


Had a 24 hour getaway to the beach with 2 of my girlfriends and it was just what the Dr. ordered.  We have all committed to a healthier lifestyle so it was good to be able to talk about what works and what doesn't work for each of us.  We walked on the beach, drank some wine and listened to a great band and stayed in a good friends beach house steps from the ocean - it was a great 24 hours.  There is something about hearing the waves crash on the beach that makes my world a better place.  Had 2.5 slices of pizza but watched what I ate the rest of the day and got on the elliptical for 45 minutes tonight.  My pants are starting to loosen up and I'm getting into the swing of reaching for food that's good for me with a splurge now and then of peanut M&Ms and pizza and still staying on track.  I'm tracking my food on Spark People on line (it's free) and I think that is really helping me.  I have a "dress up" fundraising event the end of this month and I'm hoping I can find a dress (I wear one of those about once every 12 years or so) that I feel good in so we'll see if that happens.  I'll keep you posted. 

Thursday, February 10, 2011


Today was a day that in my mind I convinced myself that peanut M&M's are a healthy snack - they do have peanuts in them!!  Then I took it one step further and decided they would count as one of my meals today.  Funny how when I was eating them that all made sense to me.  Had a healthy breakfast and lunch and then had a little M&M set back around 5:00 when I had to walk into my partner's office - now you have to understand that my partner's office is completly filled with M&M figurines and LARGE bags of plain & peanut M&M's that are always open waiting to be eaten - it's a sugar lovers dream and a dieters nightmare.  Luckily no ones fingers were near me when I dove in or it could have gotten ugly.  What in the world is that all about?  Every one of those sweet little morsels made me think that I shouldn't be eating them but did I stop - NOPE!  I even tried to picture them in their little commercials where they are living, breathing little nuggets that talk and I still kept biting into their little bodies...I'm sick, really sick!  So what do they call this - a set back, a lack of willpower, a reason to give up... I'm not sure but whatever it is I will go home and get on the elliptical and feel guilty for the rest of the evening and then wake up tomorrow ready to get back on track and put my M&M nightmare in the past.  Heading to the beach with girlfriends tomorrow - lots of walking and lettuce will be involved and wine of course and we will get renewed, rejuvenated and ready to continue on our journey to better health occasionally scattered with some peanut M&M's,

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Happy Hump Day!  I get up this morning, get the girls to school and head to the gym.  Wait in the parking lot for my exercise buddy and she doesn't show up - I check my phone - a text at 6:59a.m. - "Passing on the gym this morning."  Luckily I didn't read it before I pulled into the parking lot or I would have headed home.  I sat there for a minute and then realized how ridiculous it was that I was actually considering leaving instead of going in to workout by myself.  So I headed in and slid on the stationary bike w/my 2 magazines and start pedaling away.  I did 45 minutes - 10.2 miles and actually was sweating and for those of you that know me - # 1-  I rarely sweat and # 2 - I HATE to sweat.  It was good to be on something else other then the elliptical or walking and it was a decent workout - for someone that isn't in shape.  My niece showed me a site she's on that looks really good - it's  Lots of good ideas and support and a place to track your food intake and exercise and best of all it's FREE - Check it out!!  Off to lunch - a big salad with grilled chicken - I haven't had one of those all week.  Have a wonderful day and keep moving!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


I found a great link with ideas to stay motivated to exercise so I thought I would share it.  31 Ways to Motivate Yourself to Exercise  I'm going to pass on including a quote for now and will post them as I come across ones I really like.  Got myself on the elliptical last night for 45 min. and walked on the track at the gym for an hour this morning.  I have cheated, every day I guess, by having one sweet thing - yesterday a few Swedish fish, today a carmel from Wertz Candy.  The big difference is that I'm having one sweet thing - not eating sweets morning, noon & night.  I'm not sure if I really should get sugar out of my life completely but I do know when I think about doing that I get a lump in my throat and my eyes well up with tears.  I have a very strong emotional attachment to sugar.  I almost feel as though it would be another divorce (and really, I know what those feel like - yes, I said "those" as in plural).  For now I will continue on my goal to get up and move at least 5-6 days a week and put the banning of sugar completely from my life on the back burner - I have 2 more teenage girls to raise - either let me have my sugar or my good friend Mr. Vodka will be back on the menu!!!  So click on the link and go get motivated to move!!!

Monday, February 7, 2011


We would accomplish many more things if we did not think of them as impossible. Vince Lombardi  I thought today would be a good day to use a Vince Lombardi quote.  My mom loved Vince Lombardi, his drive, his determination to win - if she had been a guy, she would have wanted to be Vince Lombardi!  So many times we are the ones that limit what we do because we think we can't.  My goal is to tell myself everyday " I can!" from dieting to becoming who I was put here to be.  Took a couple days off from my blog for a number of reasons - Friday I was a mess due to personal issues my daughter is having in Middle School.  Did I mention I really dislike Middle School girls...!!!  Saturday headed to NYC - miserable weather but still had a great day in the city!  Sunday, cleaned and baked for the Super Bowl gathering - I LOVE to entertain.  That's when I miss my big house - it was the perfect house for entertaining.  I didn't do too bad this weekend with my eating and weekends are normally a struggle. I'm able to button a few pair of pants without passing out from not breathing so I think that's a good sign.  Back at the gym this am and it felt good.  I'm battling what seemed to be allergies but I think it's turning into a cold - UGH! Would love some healthy recipes - if you have any you love please share!  It's Monday - Go accomplish the impossible!!

Thursday, February 3, 2011


“You see things; and you say, 'Why?' But I dream things that never were; and I say, 'Why not?'”  George Bernard Shaw  I always liked this quote.  I think people are either the "Why's" or the "Why Not's".  I'm definately the "Why Not's".  So I want to figure out how to turn that swirling around in my head into the drive I need to make some life long changes to becoming healthy.  How do I turn what I know I need to do into an "idea" that I need to bring to fruition?  Someone made a comment that it's not the gym I need - it's making up my mind to do this, and then doing it.  It really is a head game isn't it?!  Was at the gym this morning and did a good pace on the track for an hour with my walking buddy - it felt good.  I did the elliptical yesterday morning and then hiked with my daughter through the snow for 45 min to an hour.  I'm eating better - no more sweets and I'm actually eating fruit everyday.  I guess the question is I know I'm on the right track - can I stay on it?  And then I have to ask myself - "WHY NOT?!!" 

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


"Habit is habit and not to be flung out of the window by any man, but coaxed downstairs a step at a time." Mark Twain Why are bad habits so hard to get rid of and good habits so hard to keep?  I would love to figure that one out.  Did not go to the gym yesterday - instead shoveled all the ice for about an hour - a good work out!  My gym partner went into work early today due to the weather so I am opting for my elliptical this morning and then back to shovel ice again today.  I'm OK with not doing the gym everyday as long as the days I don't go I'm doing some kind of exercise.  The gym is my back up for boredom and also my time to exercise around other people - As most of you know, I'm not a loner - I need to be around people.  Ended up with a major headache from going cold turkey off my Diet Ice Tea (which I am absolutely sure is what makes me crave sugar).  I know the headache will come but I also know it only lasts a day so yesterday was the day - today back to normal & no more sugar cravings - as I tell myself everyday - baby steps!