Bethany Beach

Bethany Beach
Bethany Beach - Winter 2011

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


I found a great link with ideas to stay motivated to exercise so I thought I would share it.  31 Ways to Motivate Yourself to Exercise  I'm going to pass on including a quote for now and will post them as I come across ones I really like.  Got myself on the elliptical last night for 45 min. and walked on the track at the gym for an hour this morning.  I have cheated, every day I guess, by having one sweet thing - yesterday a few Swedish fish, today a carmel from Wertz Candy.  The big difference is that I'm having one sweet thing - not eating sweets morning, noon & night.  I'm not sure if I really should get sugar out of my life completely but I do know when I think about doing that I get a lump in my throat and my eyes well up with tears.  I have a very strong emotional attachment to sugar.  I almost feel as though it would be another divorce (and really, I know what those feel like - yes, I said "those" as in plural).  For now I will continue on my goal to get up and move at least 5-6 days a week and put the banning of sugar completely from my life on the back burner - I have 2 more teenage girls to raise - either let me have my sugar or my good friend Mr. Vodka will be back on the menu!!!  So click on the link and go get motivated to move!!!


  1. Love it.... I think one-a-day is a good thing!

  2. Way to go mom! You're getting the hang of the balance thing it seems like. And I'm a big fan of that!
